There have been only 46 women senators in the whole history of US government since 1789. Women have been running for president for close to 150 years without success. Do you think about the lack of women in positions of power – in government and throughout society? Is it something that concerns you?
Not all men fear women in positions of power but patently the fear is out there and has held women back. It seems worth exploring what this fear could be about. Paul B Farrell writing for Marketwatch states “Gender research in behavioral economics, neuroscience and brain psychology confirm that women do think, feel, see differently, they value the economy and the world differently, it’s a huge difference. Psychologically, women naturally think long term, see into the future. The male brain is programmed to think short-term.” Men and women are different. Is it possible men fear that women in power will only represent the needs of women? (Maybe because that is largely what men have done all the centuries they’ve been in power?)
Elie Mystal writing for Above The Law has come up (somewhat tongue in cheek) with the three most obvious reasons why men should fear women in charge.1. Performance Review Would Take 15 Hours And Peer Into Your Soul, 2. You Won’t Even Know Where To Look, and 3. Staffing Decisions Based On Cooperation Instead Of Conflict. Is increased emotional engagement something men fear if women are in charge? Do men feel more comfortable when they control the sexual dynamics and can eliminate them in certain situations where they deem them distracting by excluding women or keeping them subordinate? Do men feel more comfortable competing in the work place and therefore fear the possibly more collaborative style of a woman leader?
What do you think? Ruth Copland gets the views of people on the street for our Out and About feature. Join us on Saturday 8-9 PM! For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit
In Out And About we consider topics with local relevance and global significance. The idea is to get us thinking about the questions that affect us all – to stimulate new thinking, or clarify what we already feel. To hear how other people’s opinions may differ from or be similar to our own.