This Saturday November 22nd 8-9 PM on It’s A Question Of Balance with Ruth Copland we consider ‘What have we got to be grateful for?’ The news is full of conflict, both political and physical, the fear of death from disease and terrorism, and doleful analyses of the economy and employment figures. So is having a positive outlook to life simply ignoring reality? Is seeing the glass half full instead of half empty just being a naive Polly Anna? Or is there something to the notion that we create our own reality? That we can’t control everything that happens but we can control our perception of events and our reaction to them? What effect does it have if we count our blessings and genuinely appreciate them compared with bemoaning our lack of health, money, love or success? Some people advocate gratitude as an attitude of life, making it a conscious practice, but is this really feasible in our busy lives? What comes to mind if you ask yourself ‘What have we got to be grateful for?’ I get the views of people in the local area for our Out and About feature. Join us on Saturday 8-9 PM! For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit