The Real Patch Adams On Which The Movie Was Based Will Be On Michael Zwerlings Saturday Special 5/22/2021
In 1998 a movie was released called “Patch Adams”, staring Robbin Williams, about an ideological medial doctor with a dream about creating a hospital system to treat injury and disease very differently from the growing out of control reality of cold hearted business, humorlessness and obscene profits. The movie was supposed to help Patch raise funds to develop a test hospital, under the auspices of his non-profit Gazuntight Institute, but, though the Patch Adams movie made profits exceeding 100million dollars, none of that money found its way into Patch Adams’ hospital fund. And the real Patch Adams hospital is still a dream and not reality. Hear the Patch Adams story live from Patch Adams himself our guest on the next Saturday Special this Saturday 10AM to 12 noon, right here on “wouldn’t it be great if we could help this unique and amazing person” FM 104.1, 1080 AM, radio KSCO.