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‘Should we have a day of rest each week?’ It’s A Question Of Balance 8-9 PM Saturday 17th October

This Saturday 17th October 8-9 PM on It’s A Question Of Balance with Ruth Copland we consider ‘Should we have a day of rest each week?’ In an interview with Ben Tinker on former ER physician Dr Matthew Sleeth states that “For almost 2,000 years, Western culture stopped – primarily on Sunday – for about 24 hours. And so society just had a day where they put it in park. [But] we go 24/7 now, and there’s a consensus that it leads to depression and anxiety.” Dr Sleeth thinks that “the lack of rest is reflected in our saying ‘We don’t have enough time’. [That] it’s pretty much generally felt that we don’t have enough time to really get to the things we want to do in life”. Is this something you experience at all? Would you like a day a week which is a true day of rest from your labours each week? Do you think of a day of rest as only associated with religious practice? The spiritual teacher Yogananda states that we need two days off a week. One day to relax and recreate and one day for spiritual practice, to contemplate perhaps the meaning of our life, our purpose, how we can positively interact with the world and maybe with a deeper part of ourselves and a higher power. Does having a day for deeper reflection seem valuable to you, as well as resting? What would a day of rest look like for you?

What do you think? Ruth Copland gets the views of people on the street for our Out and About feature. Join us on Saturday 8-9 PM! For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit

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