Statement from Santa Cruz Law Enforcement Chief’s Association:
Media Release: March 24, 2020
Shelter in Place Enforcement
On Monday, March 16, 2020, the Health Officer of the County of Santa Cruz issued a legal order directing all residents to Shelter in Place, followed by an Order from Governor Gavin Newsom with similar restrictions.
The Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office, Santa Cruz Police Department, Watsonville Police Department, Capitola Police Department, and Scotts Valley Police Department have taken an approach to enforcement focusing on education and communication in hopes businesses and residents would cooperate with the Order, but as we’ve seen the past week, not all have.
We are receiving dozens of calls daily from concerned residents reporting people gathering in groups and non-essential businesses still operating as usual, both in violation of the Order.
Violation of the County or State Order is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment or both (Health and Safety Code 120295 and Government Code 8665).
Local law enforcement agencies have directed officers and deputies to contact individuals who are gathering and non-essential businesses still operating to gain compliance. Voluntary compliance will be sought, but if that compliance is not gained, officers will enforce those codes.
“We are thankful most people are complying, and we understand this causes frustration, but it’s all for the safety of our community,” said Sheriff Jim Hart. “While we don’t want to resort to citations or arrests, if we don’t see people take this seriously, we’ll have to.”