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SC Co Schools Re-Open 02-26-21 08:26 S.S.

School  districts  in  Santa  Cruz  county  will  be  phasing  in-person  instruction  back  in,  in  the  coming  weeks.   Scotts  Valley  Unified  School  District  will  be  the  first  to  get  their  youngest  students  back  into  classrooms, starting  next  Wednesday,  March  3rd.    Pacific and Mountain Elementary  School  Districts  tk through 1st graders  on  March  8th.    Then  all  county  school districts  except  for  Live  Oak  and  Pajaro  Valley  Unified  School  Districts    on  March  15th…..Live  Oak  School  District  will  re-open  some  classrooms  on  March  22nd,  and  Pajaro  Valley  Unified  School  District  on  April  5th.  This is only for elementary schools to begin with, as middle and high schools cannot open until the county gets into the red tier.

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