(News Release from RTC)
The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission and Caltrans will hold public information meetings to solicit community input on two Highway 1 projects that are under development – the Chanticleer Bicycle/Pedestrian Overcrossing Project and the Highway 1 Bay-Porter/State Park Auxiliary Lanes Project.
The first meeting will focus on the Chanticleer Bicycle/Pedestrian Overcrossing – a part of the Highway 1 41st/Soquel Auxiliary Lanes Project. The final design and right-of-way phases are underway for this project, which includes the construction of northbound and southbound auxiliary lanes, and a new bicycle and pedestrian overcrossing at Chanticleer Avenue. The community meeting for this project will be held for the public to review and provide feedback on the aesthetic treatments of the new overcrossing.
The second meeting will focus on the Highway 1 Bay-Porter/State Park Auxiliary Lanes Project, which proposes to construct northbound and southbound auxiliary lanes between the Bay Street/Porter Avenue to Park Avenue, and Park Avenue to State Park Drive interchanges. In addition, the project would include retaining walls near the Bay Avenue / Porter Street interchange, replacement of Capitola Avenue overcrossing, and placement of sound walls along the corridor as needed. Bus on Shoulder (BOS) operations would be accommodated through the interchanges by reconstructing or widening shoulders where shoulders are not currently wide enough for bus operation. The meeting will be held to introduce the project and its purpose and need, and solicit public comment on the Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report which is the first step in the environmental review process under the California Environmental Quality Act.
Community members are encouraged to attend both meetings and provide valuable feedback to the RTC and Caltrans on these important regional transportation projects along the Highway 1 corridor.
Chanticleer Bicycle/Pedestrian Overcrossing Aesthetic Treatments Meeting
Oct. 22, 6-8 p.m.
Live Oak Grange
1900 17th Ave., Santa Cruz
Highway 1 Bay-Porter/State Park Auxiliary Lanes Project Scoping Meeting
Oct. 23, 6-8 p.m.
Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
7807 Soquel Dr., Aptos
For more information on these projects, visit https://sccrtc.org/projects/streets-highways/hwy1corridor/.