A possible public water buy-out of Cal-Am is scheduled to be discussed Monday evening by the board members of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District. A remote meeting of the board members is slated to begin at 5 p-m tomorrow, where they will consider certification of the 430-page Final Environmental Impact Report that was released last week. If approved by M.P.W.M.D. Board members, the buy-out proposal would next go to the Local Agency Formation Commission (also known as LAF-CO)
The report analyzes the environmental effects of the district’s proposed buy-out (and operation) of the 40-thousand-customer Cal Am-owned system (that is within the district’s boundaries), including the proposed 6.4-million-gallon-per-day desalination plant and infrastructure, as well as an adjustment of the district’s boundaries (to add about 43 new residential connections at Yankee Point and Hidden Hills, which are proposed to be annexed into the district’s territory).