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“Pint Night” Benefits Camp Fire Victims 12-20-18 07:15 DC

Tonight might be a good evening for a beer, especially if its Resilience IPA, being brewed at over 1400 brewpubs around the US to support those affected by the Camp Fire.

Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, which is donating ingredients for the IPA and providing brewing instructions, expects all money from sales of the brew to be donated to a special fund supporting fire victims.

Tonight is Resilience Night nationally, celebrating the release of the IPA with a nationwide pint night, including an observance at Sierra Nevada Brewing Company in Chico, which had about 50 workers impacted by the fire.

Eleven brewpubs in the Santa Cruz/Monterey area are offering the IPA. Here is a link to a Santa Cruz Sentinel story that includes a map showing participating locations in detail.

Participating breweries have Resilience on tap, but packaged Resilience is also available at various locations.

A press release on Sierra Nevada’s website indicates that upward of $15 million could be raised.


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