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Obsessed with Social Media?

I’m looking for people who are ADDICTED to Twitter, Facebook, and Blogging ALMOST to the point that they need to check into some Recovery Program.

These people are so obsessed with social media that they literally cannot support themselves, and wonder where the money will come from for food or for rent.

I want to put them to work tweeting and facebooking about all the original content we have on KSCO so that our station becomes a “media portal” that people from all over the world connect to on a continuous basis and hence, we will grow our audience exponentially.

I also want to show them how they can harness their addiction to make a great income working with Alex Jones, Ben Fuchs, Doc Wallach, Corey Gold, and me in the Youngevity business, leveraging our collective, VERY LOYAL audiences with media tools that we have already developed and THEY will help us improve.


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