Governor Newson says the state has released a new list of activities allowed while the stay-at-home order remains in place. All of these activities are allowed as long as they’re done only with members of your household and if you maintain a distance of six feet from others. Here is the list:
- Athletics
- Badminton (singles)
- Throwing a baseball or softball
- BMX biking
- Canoeing (singles)
- Crabbing
- Cycling
- Exploring rock pools
- Gardening (not in groups)
- Golf (singles, walking – no cart)
- Hiking (on trails and paths allowing distancing)
- Horseback riding (singles)
- Jogging and running
- Kiteboarding and kitesurfing
- Meditation
- Outdoor photography
- Picnics (with your stay-home household members only)
- Quad Biking
- Rock Climbing
- Roller Skating and Roller Blading
- Rowing (singles)
- Scootering (not in groups)
- Skateboarding (not in groups)
- Soft martial arts – Tai Chi, Chi Kung (not in groups)
- Table tennis (singles)
- Throw and catch an American mini football, Frisbee or Frisbee golf (not in groups)
- Trail running
- Trampolining
- Tree climbing
- Volleyball (singles)
- Walk the dog
- Wash the car
- Watch the sunrise or sunset
- Yoga