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Mosquito Breeding Time 04/18/19 04:43 S.S

It’s mosquito breeding time and people are encouraged to dump all standing and/or stagnant water outside (or on) their homes. Mosquitos are not just a nuisance, as they can carry diseases such as West Nile Virus, Zika, Malaria, Dengue (pronounced DEN-gay), and Chikungunya (pronounced CHEE-koon-GOON-ya)….all of which have been found in California. Even a bottle cap of water is enough for the insect to breed in, making it important to clear standing water from rain gutters on homes, buckets (even those that are upside-down), fountains, the saucers under plants, etc.

Local county Mosquito and Vectrol Control officers treat larger pools of public water (organically), and can often do so on private property IF asked to do so.

Santa Cruz County Mosquito and Vector Control will have a booth set up at the Earth Day event being held on Sunday April 28th in Watsonville. There they’ll address questions about mosquitos, rats, and other pests.

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