(08:30) Santa Cruz County – KSCO is sad to report the passing of our matriarch, Kay Zwerling, earlier this week, at age 95. Kay was one of the original fans of talk radio — and was responsible for introducing her son Michael to talk radio at an early age. Kay and her husband Bernard, were very encouraging and supportive of their son Michael’s acquisition of KSCO back in January of 1991. Over the years Kay became a familiar talent on KSCO by writing and recording commentaries that were broadcast several times throughout the day on KSCO for more than fifteen years. In 2011, at the age of 90, and in response to many requests by listeners, Kay compiled many of her commentaries into a book, “For KSCO, I’m Kay Zwerling.” Private funeral arrangements for family members only are pending, however, a public celebration of Kay’s life will take place in the Spring and be announced on KSCO.