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Del monte plan approved 06/19/12 11p.m. TDH

Monterey county supervisors have approved the pebble beach company’s del monte forest development plan, after removing the requirement to build affordable housing as part of the project.  supervisors made the change tuesday, before unanimously giving the go-ahead for the 200-million dollar proposal.  The pebble beach company plans to build 1-hundred new houses and a 100-room hotel, expand the Inn at Spanish bay, and build a new equestrian center.  the deal preserves 635-acres of the forest, and calls for the company to pay 5-million dollars to help find another location for the affordable housing units.  If no usable site is found, the company would pay a 2-million dollar penalty.  If a site is found, then the deal calls for the pebble beach company to donate a 135-acre parcel of land to the county.  construction could begin as soon this year.  The project is expected to be completed in phases over the next 15-years.

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