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Smart meters report 01/24/12 4p.m. TDH

Santa cruz county supervisors have extended a moratorium on smart meters in unincorporated areas of the county, following a report by the county health officer that raised questions about the safety of the wireless meters.   The report by the county’s top health official, Doctor poki namkung, concludes that not enough research has been done to declare safe the radio frequency that is emitted by smart meters.  While the report did not conclude that the meters were dangerous, it did say that more information is needed before they can be declared safe, and that some people with sensitivities to the radio waves could be at further health risk.   The installation-moratorium is non-binding in santa cruz county, and pg and e has been installing the meters regardless.  However, the state public utilities commission is set to meet next week, to decide if customers should be allowed to opt-out of having a meter.

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