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New Charge Filed to Revoke Kohut’s Medical Credentials 03-22-18 T.A.

(08:00) According to state documents filed earlier this month, the California Attorney General’s Office drafted formal charges to revoke an accused child rapist and child pornographer of his medical credentials.  57 year-old Dr. James Kohut, of Santa Cruz, is charged with 48 felonies that include sodomy and oral copulation with children younger than 10.  Medical board Executive Director Kimberly Kirchmeyer and Deputy Attorney General Emily Brinkman filed an accusation against Kohut on March 5.  The filing asks the medical board to revoke or suspend his physician’s and surgeon’s certificates.  Kohut has 15 days to respond.  Kohut’s Codefendants, 43 year-old Rashel Brandon and 30 year-old Emily Stephens, who are facing 44 and 45 felonies linked with raping children, are scheduled to be back in court on June 4, for a preliminary hearing.   

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