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MPUSD Grad Ceremonies Move 05-18-21 17:36 S.S.

Although  the  Monterey  Peninsula  Unified  School  District  was  originally  planning  to  hold  their  graduations  at   Weather  Tech  Raceway – Laguna  Seca….those  ceremonies  are  now  scheduled  to  be  held  at  the  Monterey  County  Fairgrounds.   A  change  in  the  Covid-19  guidance  about  students  and   their  families  has  lead  to  not  only  the  change  in  venue,  but  how  the  celebrations  will  be  conducted.    The  graduations  are  now  slated  to  take  place  June  1st…..and  look  more  like  a  traditional  graduation  ceremony….except  for  facial  coverings  being  required,  and  the  social  distancing.

Each graduate will be allowed up to four guests, who are living in the same household, to be seated together in a pod distanced 6 feet apart from any other family pod.    All graduates and guests must adhere to social distancing guidelines and they must wear a facial covering at all times (unless a graduate is taking it off for the photo opportunity after crossing the stage and receiving a diploma).

Friends and family who  cannot attend in-person can go on-line to: to watch the ceremonies streaming live.

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