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MP Pride Vacancies 02-17-21 09:59 S.S.

The  window  to fill  out  applications  to  be  on  the  Board  Of Directors  for  Monterey  Peninsula  Pride  has  opened.    The  positions  currently  being  recruited  are:  secretary,  co-chair, organizational  sustainability  committee  chair,  marketing  and  communications  chair, communications,  fundraising coordinator,  and  there  are  also  3  open  board  seats.    The  new  board  members  will  need  to  be  supportive  of  the statewide  #out4mentalhealth campaign, that  works  to  address  disparities  in  treatment.     Applications  for  anyone  of  the  open  positions  need  to  be  filed  by  March  1st.

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