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Monterey County Updated Park Status 05-05-20 17:53 DC

The Monterey County Resource Management Agency (MRMA) has announced a limited reopening of county parks, provider users follow social distancing requirements.

Monterey County residents are allowed to use regional trails for walking, hiking, equestrian, or biking. Areas such as playgrounds and picnic areas will remain closed to avoid gatherings.

Here is a run-down of Monterey County parks, along with their status and facilities available in each location:

  • San Lorenzo Closed for general use, trails open along the Salinas River. Restrooms closed to public.
  • Lake San Antonio South Shore: Open for trail use and fishing. Developed areas closed. Emergency restrooms only. Maximum 50 boats with up to four (4) persons from the same household per boat, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday only. North Shore: Open for trail use and shoreline fishing. Developed areas closed. Emergency restrooms only.
  • Lake Nacimiento Open (starting Friday 5/8/20) for trail use and shoreline fishing, maximum 120 boats with up to four (4) persons from same household per boat. Developed area closed. Emergency restrooms only.
  • Toro Open for trail use only. Developed area closed. Emergency restrooms only.
  • Jack’s Peak Open for trail use only. Developed area closed. Emergency restrooms only.
  • Royal Oaks Open for trail use only. Developed area closed. Emergency restrooms only.
  • Manzanita Open for trail use only. Developed area closed. Emergency restrooms only.
  • East Garrison Closed (neighborhood parks within the EG Community)
  • Fort Ord Open Space Open for trail use only. No restrooms.


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