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METRO Responds to Rider Complaints 04-16-20 18:13 DC

Officials of the Santa Cruz Metro bus system say they have received a number of what are called “pass-up” complaints. That’s when you are waiting for a bus and it just passes you by.

According to Metro officials, “If our bus operator passes you by, they are only doing so because their bus has reached its social distancing capacity.”

All METRO buses are now limited to a maximum of 5 – 8 customers in order to provide both the bus operator and the riding public the proper social distancing while aboard the bus.”

Metro says it has also received “numerous complaints” about “joyriders” taking up the limited space that should be reserved for those needing legitimate essential travel. Metro says it has implemented several rules to discourage “joyriders.” But the rules can only go so far, and Metro says it must apply these rules in a fair way.

Finally, Metro “respectfully requests” that you please do everything possible to limit your rides on to essential travel and please don’t get upset at our bus operators when they must pass you up at a bus stop.

The statement ends with a request that everyone “Please hang in there” until the end of the COVID crisis.



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