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COVID-19 Update 2020-03-06

There are currently 101,954 of COVID-19 confirmed globally, with 3,466 deaths and 56,123 recoveries.

There are 17,855 confirmed cases outside of China as of March 5th, up from 8,555 cases on March 1st.

South Korea has 6,593 confirmed cases, Italy has 4,636 and Iran has 4,747.

Schools are closed in South Korea, Iran, Japan, France, Italy, Pakistan and China.

There are 88 new confirmed cases in the US so far today, bringing the total to 309.

There are 44 confirmed cases in the Bay Area, including two new cases in San Francisco with no known exposure risk, suggesting community transmission.

The California Department of Health had tested 516 people as of March 5th. The department now expects that capacity to expand to 7,400 people a day starting today.

By comparison, In South Korea, more than 66,650 people were tested within a week of its first case of community transmission, and it quickly became able to test 10,000 people a day. The first case of community transmission in California was on Feb 26th.

Monterey County Public Health Lab is set to receive test kits this week as the CDC issues new guidance to clarify that any clinician or health authority can administer the test.

Nearly 2,000 Stanford students have signed a petition urging the university to take action, including allowing students to take tests from home or encouraging professors to put classes online.

A petition to close the campus is circulating at UC Berkeley and has been signed by more than 5,000 people.

The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department announced that people over 50 or in ill health should avoid any gathering of more than 150 people.

There continue to be Zero confirmed cases in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties.

There are no local shortages of food or toilet paper, though it is always a good idea to have an emergency supply.

You can find out more from the County of Santa Cruz Health Services Agency, by going to

If you experience Fever, Cough or Shortness of Breath, please call your Health Care Professional.

As is always true to prevent any communicable disease, stay home if you are sick, wash your hands frequently, cough or sneeze into your elbow, avoid touching your face, and remember, don’t pick your nose!!

– The COVID-19 Update from KSCO’s Director of Digital Media, Jonty McCollyer

Sources And Further Info

Dr. John Campbell’s Daily Report

Worldometer Coronavirus Cases

Map: Coronavirus cases in the Bay Area, Northern California

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