The following is a KSCO commentary. Here is Kay Zwerling:
This is part of a large Commentary that I wrote in March 2008, all about the United Nations:
The United Nations is after taxes again. They blame the USA and people who could be taxed and leached upon while their communist friends in China, India, or South Korea can pollute the air all day and all night. Well, the capitalist smoke really bothers them, but not the marijuana smoke – first or second hand.
15,000 Global Warming jihadists, the environmental activists with their chief alarmist Al Gore, met in Bali a while ago to urge all nations to hurry up and sign the new treaty. It is like a band of bank robbers – hurry up before they find out that we have looted them.
The media continues to neglect to mention that President Bush will not sign the Kyoto Agreements because the world’s worst polluters, China and India, are exempt from cleaning up their filth.
Who do you think paid for this nice winter vacation for most of the delegates? The U.N. – from money they collected for the Indonesian tsunami victims. They collected over $1 billion (with a B), and gave out less than $100 million, so they are having a good time on your donations.
The U.N. also wants to highjack the internet domain registration control from the U.S. so countries like Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, and others could block internet travel not approved by the dictators.
The United Nations, under the L.O.S.T. Treaty, wants to control the seas all around the world, and the minerals and oil in the sea beds, tax the resources and distribute it among third-world countries. The Robin Hoods of New York, the U.N., will get a very handsome commission, plus the control where our Navy can sail or not sail. We are totally sick of this United Nations mafia.
Kudos to you Zolton for shining a light on much of this important information.
Isn’t it time for We the People to direct our government to resign from the United Nations, which we have tolerated and subsidized for more than 60 years? They routinely veto whatever our U.S. representatives recommend and have leached upon us long enough. Clearly, their agenda is to rule the world. America – Please Wake Up before it’s too late!
For KSCO, this is Kay Zwerling.
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