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The following is a KSCO commentary.  Here is Kay Zwerling:

          Last week I received an urgent letter for funds to support Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona.   It appears that the powers that be do not like the fact that Arpaio is being too successful in his job.  

          Arpaio is being punished for being “tough on crime”. 

          He continues to fight to stop illegal immigration, and he forces prisoners to wear pink jumpsuits, and he cracks down on the criminal wave coming across our southern border with Mexico.

          According to the Wall Street Journal, “Since February 2007, Sheriff Arpaio has arrested about 30,000 illegal immigrants, and the administration is now attempting to curb the powers of this true American”.    Now, Obama wants to discredit Arpaio and silence him, and remove him from his job. 

          Why, you might wonder, would our leader who promised change, honesty, and transparency want to discard the Sheriff who is doing such a good job for our Country?

          Well, here is the simple answer:   Liberals led by the ACLU have filed 2700 lawsuits against Sheriff Joe – accusing him of illegally profiling Latinos.  But, they are indeed illegal, and they are Latinos from Mexico.  And, that is not profiling.   

          Also, President Obama has been doing a dismal job as President and he knows that if he has any chance of remaining in office for more than one term – clearly he must do everything in his power to convince the Country to give amnesty to the illegal immigrants who are here.  If that happens, of course, those new Americans will keep him in office for two terms.

          Along with amnesty the following will happen:   The illegals will expect Welfare benefits, free healthcare, free hospitalization for childbirths, and free schooling in Spanish.  And, who will pay for those perks?  You and me!

          Most Americans do not get these taxpayer-funded handouts.  Why should those who come here illegally get them? 

The Left likes to think there are 11 million illegals here.  That was the estimate eight years ago.  The amount could now be closer to 29 million.

To make this wonderful tough honest American Sheriff Joe Arpaio the fall guy for Obama’s agenda, I say, it stinks.

Sheriff Joe should remain where he is, and remind convicts they are not serving time in a hotel, and continue to expose illegals.   And, We the People should support Arizona – and remain alert and not allow amnesty for illegals and the U.S. government should close the borders.  

For KSCO, this is Kay Zwerling.

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