This Saturday October 11th 8-9 PM on It’s A Question Of Balance with Ruth Copland we consider ‘Is technology our servant or our master?’ Increasingly everything in our lives is being changed by technology. The internet of things will soon ensure that our refrigerator will tell us when we need more milk, our cars will drive themselves, facial recognition software linked with social media will mean we need never be attracted to a stranger again without being able to find out nearly everything about them instantly from an app on our phone. Some of these advances beg the question “just because you CAN do something does that mean that you SHOULD?” What are the consequences of losing the need to think in so many different circumstances? Will it free us up to use our minds for even more amazing purposes? Or will we simply end up with more time to consume endless media entertainment as in Farenheit 451? How much discernment do we use when deciding to use technology? Are we controlling it or are we letting it control us? I get the views of people in the local area for our Out and About feature. Join us on Saturday 8-9 PM! For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit