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Hubble Turned 30 Over Weekend 04.27.2020 1030 js

The Hubble Space Telescope turned 30 on Friday. Mark Mozena, Astrophysicist, tells us more about its anniversary…

It launched on April 24th 1990. When it first went up, it was a “disappointment” according to Mozena. “The shape of one of the mirrors was incorrect. It changed in a way we should have predicted”.

Following a service mission, the imagery provided by the Hubble Space Telescope was no longer fuzzy compared to its initial launch.

Some Hubble Space Telescope Statistics:

  • 4 billion observations
  • Over 47,000 different celestial objects observed
  • 164TB of data produced by the telescope
  • 17,000 scientific papers generated as a result of data from the Telescope

Additionally, Mozena mentions that the telescope will no longer have service missions to support it, and estimates a 5 to 10 year lifespan for the Hubble Space Telescope.

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