Although the weather can be unpredictable, it does not (at this time) appear as though the rain on Christmas is likely to trigger Debris Flows in the burn scar area of the CZU Lightning Complex Fires, or in the burn scars of any other tri-county fire that burned this past summer. That said the potential for debris flows in the burn scar areas for all of this year’s fires could continue for the next 2 years. For Santa Cruz county, officials have posted an evacuation map on the county’s website, and they urge people to pay particular attention to their evacuation zones. The county has also set up an alert system called Code Red and the app for it is available for i-phones and androids. People can also register their phone number(s) by going on-line to: Registering a cell phone will get people a call wherever they are; while downloading the app will light up a cell phone only if it is in the evacuation zone.