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February 24, 2016: Ariel Theatre – Go Fund Me

(20:03) SALINAS – A Go Fund Me account has been set up for the Ariel Children’s Theatre in Salinas, so that people can help repair the damage left behind by a building fire. The theater suffered upwards of 300-thousand dollars worth of damage from the 2-and-a-half million gallons of water used to put out the adjacent Dick Bruhn fire. The theatre also suffered smoke damage. All textiles in the building will have to be cleaned (including roughly 40 thousand costumes). The theatre company’s show “The Little Red Hen”, which is scheduled to begin this Friday, has been moved to nearby Notre Dame High School. Depending on the city inspections that still need to be done, it will be at least another 60 days before the Ariel Theatre can re-open. To donate, go on-line to Ariel’s Go Fund Me campaign.

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