This Saturday 18th July 8-9 PM on It’s A Question Of Balance with Ruth Copland we consider ‘Do Good Manners Still Matter?’ There are a lot of books on etiquette, on which fork to use when, and how to write the perfect thank you note. However, Lucinda Holdforth in her book Why Manners Matter: The case for civilised behaviour in a barbarous worlddefines manners a bit differently. She defines manners as a set of small sacrifices we make for other people stating “these individual gestures, seemingly so small, add up to the not inconsiderable achievement of a civil society. Our small sacrifices amount to something big.” Have you ever thought of manners as being important enough to contribute to a civil society, perhaps even leading to the need for fewer laws? Manners in many ways give dignity to ourselves and others but are we losing the impetus to express gratitude, be polite, and respect each other? And if we are does that matter?
What do you think? Ruth Copland gets the views of people on the street for our Out and About feature. Join us on Saturday 8-9 PM! For more info on the show and to hear past shows visit www.itsaquestionofbalance.com