There are 2,711,907 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally so far today, with 190,188 deaths and 743,578 recoveries.
There are +28,780 new confirmed cases in the US so far today, bringing the total to 877,497.
Several vaccines are entering trials in Germany, China, Japan, India, Canada and the US. A team at Oxford in the UK believes they will have a million doses of a proven safe vaccine by September.
There are 39,009 total confirmed cases in the California so far today, compared to 268,581 cases in New York.
The total cases confirmed in Santa Cruz county is 114.
– The COVID-19 Update from KSCO’s Director of Digital Media, Jonty McCollyer
Sources And Further Info
Thursday 23th April, Death rates
Coronavirus: Why Oxford university is so confident in an early vaccine win
COVID-19 Projections
Covid vs. US Daily Average Cause of Death
Worldometer Coronavirus Cases