Most parks & beaches within Santa Cruz Co. have now reopened, though parking near popular destinations will remain limited. Playgrounds, skateparks and dog parks will remain closed.
Brazil reported +3,348 new cases yesterday, up from +1,832 new cases the day before. The number of deaths in Mexico increased by +74 yesterday, up from +36 on April 14th. Bangladesh is reporting 1,231 total confirmed cases, up from 621 on April 12th.
Africa has surprisingly few confirmed cases and fatalities so far, with only 16,265 confirmed cases and 873 fatalities in 52 countries. Several African countries are reporting a drop in active cases over the last several days, including Senegal, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Ghana.
Citizens have staged protests against the stay at home orders in several states, with the largest demonstration happening in Lansing, Michigan yesterday.
There are 2,177,412 confirmed cases of COVID-19 globally so far today, with 145,304 deaths and 546,468 recoveries.
There are +27,637 new confirmed cases in the US so far today, bringing the total to 675,640.
There are 27,575 total confirmed cases in the California so far today, compared to 226,198 cases in New York.
The total cases confirmed in Santa Cruz county is 98.
– The COVID-19 Update from KSCO’s Director of Digital Media, Jonty McCollyer
Sources And Further Info
Thursday 16th April, Death rates
COVID-19 Projections
COVID-19 Projections
Covid vs. US Daily Average Cause of Death
Worldometer Coronavirus Cases
Map: Coronavirus cases in the Bay Area, Northern California