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COVID-19 Update 2020-03-12


The WHO declared the COVID19 outbreak a pandemic on Wednesday.

President Trump announced a 30 day ban on travel from Europe yesterday evening, among mention of economic stimulus and social distancing measures. The president also said he would take emergency action to provide financial relief to people who need to stay home because they are sick, quarantined, or caring for others, while working with health insurance companies to waive co-payments on coronavirus treatments and testing. His presidential campaign has canceled or postponed several campaign events.

The N.B.A. abruptly suspended its season on Wednesday after a Utah Jazz player was found to have tested positive for coronavirus.

Actor Tom Hanks and his wife have been confirmed to have the Coronavirus while traveling in Australia. They have some minor symptoms and are following the protocols of Australian health authorities.

There are currently 134,469 of COVID-19 cases confirmed globally, with 4,970 deaths and 68,900 recoveries.

The reports of confirmed cases outside of China accelerated dramatically on March 11th, with 7,251 new cases reported for the day, up from 4,543 the day before.

There are 45,411 confirmed cases outside of China as of March 11th, up from 8,555 cases on March 1st.

South Korea has largely controlled the rate of new cases reporting just +114 new cases for the day, down from +851 new cases on March 3rd. Iran reports +1,075 new confirmed cases for the day bringing their total to 10,075.

Spain has more than quadrupled their cases in the past 5 days, now reporting 3,146, up from 674 on March 8th.

Italy continues a dramatic increase with +2,651 new cases already today, bringing their total to 15,113. In about 3 weeks, Italy went from 3 cases to over 12,000 cases.

Multiple reports from Italian doctors and nurses describe a dire situation, where their medical system is so overwhelmed that doctors must decide who to give life saving intubation and who to let die.

Italy continues a dramatic nation wide “lockdown”, barring their 60 million citizens from all all public events, including school, entertainment and worship.

Finance ministry officials in Rome are working out how to double their existing fiscal stimulus package to as much as €16 billion.

According to the WHO, China has largely controlled the spread of the virus, with just 14,813 active cases reported March 11th, down from a peak of 58,016 active cases on February 17th. China is decommissioning several temporary hospitals and sending aid to several countries including Iraq and Italy.

So far there are +368 new confirmed cases in the US today, bringing the total to 1,669.

The US had +106 new cases on March 8th and +339 new cases yesterday.

Total US cases more than doubled in the past 4 days, while Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan have all controlled their local disease spread.

The US stock market has been dramatically effected by the outbreak. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost nearly a third of its value since it peaked around 29,500 on February 12th. The Dow lost another 2,352 points today, closing at 21,200.

Most Colleges and Universities have canceled all in-person classes.

Most Santa Cruz county local public schools remain open, but out-of-county field trips, plays and other events have been canceled. Schools are warning parents to prepare for possible closures.

The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department has canceled all mass gatherings.

There are two new confirmed cases in Santa Cruz county, bringing the total to 4, including a person connected to Rio Del Mar Elementary School. The individual had not been to the school since February 28th. The School will close until March 16th and undergo a deep cleaning.

There are no local shortages of food, though it is always a good idea to have an emergency supply.

You can find out more from the County of Santa Cruz Health Services Agency, by going to

If you experience Fever, Cough or Shortness of Breath, please call your Health Care Professional.

Regardless of how healthy you are, to protect the most vulnerable, don’t be a disease vector.

As is always true to prevent any communicable disease, stay home if you are sick, wash your hands frequently, cough or sneeze into your elbow, avoid touching your face, and remember, don’t pick your nose!!

– The COVID-19 Update from KSCO’s Director of Digital Media, Jonty McCollyer

Sources And Further Info

FULL SPEECH: President Trump address the nation on coronavirus (9 minutes)

Dr. John Campbell’s Daily Report

Worldometer Coronavirus Cases

Map: Coronavirus cases in the Bay Area, Northern California

Healthcare on brink of collapsing’: Doctors share stories from inside the Italy coronavirus quarantine

As Italy’s Hospitals Overwhelmed by Coronavirus, Top Health Official Says ‘Worst Is Yet Come’ for US

Second coronavirus case confirmed in Santa Cruz County

Schools prepare for possible closures as coronavirus spreads to Santa Cruz County

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