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County Provides COVID Kit for Employers 07-28-20 15:36 DC

To help minimize impacts among employees and assist with the investigation of COVID-19 cases, the County of Santa Cruz is providing local employers with tools to help manage coronavirus transmission. They include detailed guidance on prevention, preparation for exposures, and management of workplace cases, as well as information on the rights and responsibilities of employers.

The employer toolkit is available at, with a link available on the main coronavirus site at

The toolkit includes links to detailed guidance from the California Department of Public Health, a sample employee notification letter, and a contact tracing form for employers to help monitor workplace-based exposures of impacted employees.

The County also urges employers to continue following Social Distancing Protocols and urges employees to follow basic safety practices in the workplace, including wearing a face covering, maintaining physical distancing, and washing hands frequently with soap and water.

It is also critically important that employers implement daily symptom screening for the workforce, and for employees to stay home if they have symptoms. Employers who have cases in the workplace are urged to notify Public Health at

For local information on COVID-19, go to, call 211, or text “COVID19” to 211211. Residents may also call (831) 454-4242 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

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