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Chief Medical Officers Says 05-26-20 09:15 S.S.

The  Chief  Medical  Officer  at  Salinas  Valley  Memorial  Healthcare System  is  also  the  region’s  leading  infectious  disease  specialist.   Dr.  Allen  Radner  says  he  believes  the  people  in  Monterey  county  need  to  move  cautiously (towards  re-opening),  so  as  to  avoid  a  dangerous  increase  in  the  number  of  cases  of  Covid-19.     He  says  the  current  pandemic,  much  like  many  past  challenges,  has  been  replete  with  misinformation  and  blame…..which  is  not  helpful  in  trying  to  dispassionately  figure  out  an  appropriate  way  forward.     One  of  the  things  that  people  may be  misunderstanding  is  that  the  modeling  wasn’t  necessarily  wrong  about  the  number  of  cases  expected  in  California,  those cases  just  didn’t  materialize  because  we  sheltered  in place  more  quickly  than  some  states,  and  did  a  good  job  of  it  (at  least  for  the  first  several  weeks).   He  went  on  to  say  that  social  distancing  has  effectively  allowed  workers  in  the  healthcare  system  to  prepare  to  care  for  many  more  cases  of  the  virus….which  is  good  because  the  numbers  of  people  infected  in  Santa  Cruz  and  Monterey  counties appears  to  still  be  on  the  increase.   Getting  more  PPE,   increasing  the  testing  capacity,  and  hiring  and  training contact  tracers  are  all  still  things  both  counties  continue  to  work  on.  Doctor  Radner  went  on  to  say  that “despite these observations it is natural to seek to relax current restrictions. Understandably, we need to balance the negative economic, educational, and medical consequences of Stay-At-Home,  with what will likely be an increased number of infections as we open society.   Maintaining social distancing, masking, and contact tracing/quarantine will be more critical than ever.

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