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Census Day Is April 1st 04-01-20 11:42 S.S.

Today  is  officially  Census  Day 2020 around  the  nation,  however,  because  of  the  Covid-19  pandemic  the  deadline  for  filling  out  this  year’s  Census  has  been  extended  until  August 14th.       All  area  residents  are  encouraged  to  fill  out  the  census,   so  that  each  county  can  get  the  federal  and  state  funding they  deserve.    People  can  respond  by  phone  or  on-line.    Each county resident who is uncounted is a loss of thousands  of  dollars  for local services, such as hospitals, emergency services, schools and roads.    Census data also determines the number of seats each state holds in the U.S. House of representatives, and has an impact on legislative district boundaries as well. 

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