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Cal Fire Tips And Wildfire Season Begins 05.17.2020 0700 JAS

Cal Fire has declared Fire Season for San Benito and Monterey Counties.

Cal Fire San Benito-Monterey Unit Chief David Fulcher states that this is due to “the recent heat waves and the hillsides turning golden” as the dry season begins.

Cal Fire requests that residents ensure they are prepared for wildfires, offering the following tips:

  • Clear all dry or dying vegetation around all structures within your home and property
  • Landscaping with fire resistant or drought tolerant plants
  • Finding alternative ways to dispose of your landscape debris, such as chipping or hauling elsewhere.

As a reminder, the Monterey Bay Air Resources District restricts dooryard burning between now and November 30th each year. 

To learn more about preparation and prevention of wildfires, check out ReadyForWildfire.Org

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