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By and for the 99%, a visionary Blueprint for a Radical Remake of America (or any country)

Third Draft-mod C, November 14, 2011

Where do the Occupy and other progressive movements go from here? The grievances and the villains have been clearly identified, the philosophy and the operational principals established and there is a sense of optimism in the air that change is possible. I respectfully ask you to roll forward your clock to a day not too far in the future when, by some set of amazing and unforeseen events, the ideal outcome has arrived. Hold this thought for a moment. So, what would this ideal world look like? Anything you can imagine, so let’s put it together! To get us started I have penned a modest Blueprint for a Radical Remake below. Why do this kind of exercise you might ask? Having a vision for the best possible outcome is essential as it gives you a point in space to aim at. And we have all experienced that when a shared, clear vision is held and actively pursued, the universe always seems to provide all of the steps to reach it.

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