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All CA D.M.V.s To Re-Open 06-10-20 08:19 S.S.

The  California  D.M.V.  offices  (that  had  not  already  re-opened)  are  now  scheduled  to  do  so  tomorrow  morning.    That  said,  people  are  encouraged  to  continue  to  use  the  virtual  field  offices,  when  possible.     People  who  need  to  go  into  a  D.M.V.  office,   will  have  to  make  an  appointment….and  then  wait  outside  the  D-M-V  until  being  called  inside.    Behind-the-wheel  drivers  tests  are  still  not  being  offered. Customers will be required to wear face masks and remain 6 feet apart in line. A text message will alert customers waiting outside the building when they’re ready to be served. The  federal  government  has  extended  the  deadline  for  Real  IDs  until  October  1st  of  2021…..that’s  a  year  later  than  had  previously  been  announced.

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