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Charles Freedman’s Election 2022 Nov Recommendations


Governor Brian Dahle

Lt Gov Angela Jacobs

Sec of State Rob Bernosky

Controller Lahnee Chen

Treasurer Jack Guerrero

Atty Gen Nathan Hochman

Ins Comm Robert Howell

Bd of Equal Peter Verbica

US Senate Mark Meuser

US Rep

18th Peter Hernandez

19th Jeff Gorman


28th Liz Lawler

29th Stephanie Castro

30th Vicki Nohrden

Confirmation of Judges NO on all

Supt of Schools Lance Christensen

Supervisor 4th Felipe Hernandez

State propositions NO on all

Really easy this year:

1. We want a change, so elect new leaders. All current officers are Democrats. so elect Republicans

2. Propositions are sponsored by current leaders, so vote them down.

Agree, disagree or want to find out more about Charles Freedman’s election recommendations? Call in to The Charles Freedman Show Noon – 2pm Monday – Friday at 831-479-1080

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