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Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing the COVID 19 numbers of infections and deaths in the U.S. Comparing the numbers from India and France. Asserting that people who are eating gluten are at greater risk of a negative outcome if they contract the virus. Stating that the gluten kills the villi in the intestines. Making it impossible to absorb the nutrients needed to make white blood cells and platelets to fight the virus.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article regarding a study from Pennsylvania State University. Researchers look at 17 research papers involving over 19,500 participants. Finding that those who ate mushrooms daily were 45% less likely to develop cancer. Recommending people consume 1/8-1/4 cup of mushrooms daily.


Lawanda has questions about treating poison ivy.

Sue’s husband is experiencing poor circulation.

Ashley’s mother is a type 2 diabetic with high blood pressure and wants to get off of dialysis.

Call Dr. Wallach’s live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific time at 831-685-1080 or toll free at 888-379-2552.

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