The Santa Cruz County Emergency Operations Center has released a map of properties damaged in the CZU Lightning Complex Fires.
The map includes a list of damage sites provided by Cal Fire. Damage assessments including locations are preliminary and numerous sites require confirmation. Assessment teams are being deployed to the fire zone, and residents may not return to evacuated areas until they are cleared by public safety officials.
• https://www.santacruzcounty.us/FireRecovery/DamageAssessmentMap.aspx
The Lightning Complex Fires have been devasting to many in our community, and the site includes links to help residents initiate the recovery process, including behavioral health resources for those who need assistance coping with loss. Along with local partners, representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the California Office of Emergency Services are coordinating recovery efforts with the County.
For additional resources, go to www.santacruzcounty.us/FireResources.aspx. Information available in English or Spanish.