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Updated COVID Restrictions for Santa Cruz 06-09-20 18:25 DC

Santa Cruz County Health Officer Dr. Gail Newel on Tuesday issued a new order removing local restrictions on lodging operators, allowing hotels, motels, and vacation rentals to resume business activities in accordance with State guidelines effective Friday, June 12.

The County was previously approved for a State variance and issued orders aligning the County with State guidance, which will allow movies theaters and family entertainment centers; museums, galleries and aquariums; gyms and fitness centers; swimming pools; campgrounds and RV parks; and tasting rooms, brewpubs and bars to reopen on Friday as well. The new order also extends partial beach closures through July 6, 2020, at which time the County will reassess beach access.

Furthermore, the County is aligned with new State guidance on schools, childcare facilities, and day camps. The County advises residents that not all operations or businesses will be ready to open on the effective date of sector guidance.

Owners or managers of local businesses and other operations are advised to read and follow State guidance in order to protect the health and safety of staff and customers. Santa Cruz County public health officials will closely monitor local case counts, infection rates, and hospitalizations and stand ready to modify local health orders if necessary to protect the health and safety of the community.

With additional openings, the County wishes to emphasize the importance of following local Social Distancing Protocols, which include:

1) Wearing a face covering while engaging others at work or in public

2) Maintaining six feet of distance from others who are not members of your household

3) Frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

4) Covering coughs or sneezes with tissue or fabric, or using your elbow

5) Staying home if you are sick with a fever or cough

In addition, the requirements for local businesses to post Appendix A are now encouraged, but not mandatory. New and updated State guidance applies to the following sectors:

NEW GUIDANCE (Begins June 12)

Guidance for hotels for travel and tourism (includes swimming pools):

Guidance for family entertainment centers and movie theaters: family-entertainment.pdf

Guidance for restaurants/bars/wineries/brewpubs: bars.pdf

Guidance for museums, galleries, zoos and aquariums: museums.pdf

Guidance for gyms and fitness centers (includes swimming pools): fitness.pdf

Guidance for campgrounds, RV parks and outdoor recreation (includes swimming pools):

Guidance for cardrooms:

UPDATED GUIDANCE (Effective immediately)

Guidance for schools:

Guidance for childcare operations:

Guidance for day camps:

Family-friendly practices for employers: familyfriendlypracticesemployers.pdf

Support for working families:

For local information on COVID-19, go to, call 211, or text “COVID19” to 211211. Residents may also call (831) 454-4242 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., seven days a week.


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