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State Financial Help for Undocumented Immigrants Overwhelmed 05-20-20 03:24 DC

The state’s program for COVID-19 financial assistance to undocumented immigrants in opened on Monday but was unable to handle the flood of applicants. Locally, the phone lines at the Santa Cruz call center crashed and were slow to reopen.

California’s undocumented immigrants can apply for disaster relief payments of up to $1,000 per household under Gov. Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus emergency assistance plan. Monday was the first day that applications were being accepted.

The Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County processes all Central Coast applications. After only a couple hours the phone lines crashed on Monday and are still not back up and running as of Tuesday afternoon.

The problems were not limited to the Central Coast, however, and the non-profits managing the program reported high call volumes statewide.


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