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MCo Will Order 04-23-20 04:17 S.S.

While Santa Cruz county Health Officer Doctor Gail Newel signed an order today, that includes everyone needing to wear face coverings while in businesses, government offices,  and healthcare settings….her  counterpart  in  Monterey county,  Doctor  Ed  Moreno,   is  expected  to  issue  a  similar  order  in  the  coming  days.   The face mask requirement is reportedly more about preventing the spread of the coronavirus,  rather than strictly as a personal protective measure.  People are  still asked to remain home….unless accessing, or working, in essential services.  As Moreno says, “A face mask is not a substitute for social distancing and Sheltering In Place.”  Face coverings can include homemade masks, handkerchiefs, scarfs, bandanas, and any other material that can be wrapped tightly around the mouth and nose. They should be washed frequently, preferably at least daily.  The county’s shelter in place order is currently set to expire on May 3rd, and Doctors  Newel and Moreno both say there are already discussions about when and how to lift some restrictions.  That said, people can expect many restrictions to remain in place…at  least  for  now.

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