(11:36) SANTA CRUZ- The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors has approved a temporary Emergency Winter Shelter for the upcoming winter months.The agreement is the result of months of negotiations between the County, local cities. The Shelter program is scheduled to begin operations Dec. 1.
The Association of Faith Communities will operate the shelters, located on Laurel Street
in Santa Cruz and 7 th Avenue in Live Oak, respectively. Emergency Winter Shelter users will undergo criminal background checks and other
screening processes before entering the shelter. They will be bussed from an intake site at
1220 River St. to the shelter sites, where paid security will assure the safety of shelter
users and surrounding neighborhoods. No contraband, including weapons, drugs or
alcohol, will be allowed in shelters. Clients must visit the intake site first, with no walk-
up services provided at either shelter site.
The most recent census of the homeless population showed nearly 2,000 homeless
persons in Santa Cruz County. Though formerly operated at the Armory building in
DeLaveaga Park, the VFW and Salvation Army have graciously volunteered to host it,
with Salvation Army shelter operations beginning in January. Local churchgoers will
provide nightly meals and companionship to shelter users.