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May 13, 2016: Dog, Puppies Found Abandoned in Box on Monterey Peninsula

(10:34) MONTEREY COUNTY – Humane officers are offering a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual or individuals who abandoned a dog and her puppies on the Monterey Peninsula this week. On Monday, the 1-year-old dog and the 8-week-old puppies were found in an enclosed cardboard box on a property on Josselyn Canyon Road. SPCA officers responded to the scene and discovered that the animals were severely underfed and suffering from a skin condition. The dogs are now receiving treatment and are expected to recover in 3 to 8 months. Anyone with information on the person or persons responsible for this case of animal neglect is to contact the Monterey County SPCA. (S.G.)

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