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Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing the advantages of owning a homebased business. Outlining ways to grow the business without spending a lot of money on advertising. Asserting that is important to get family members involved in the business and taking the supplements. Contending people should consider trying to get the products into storefronts like nail spas.

Pearls of Wisdom

Doug Winfrey and Dr. Wallach discuss a news article regarding a study of cancer. The Mayo Clinic released a report on lifestyle changes that can help prevent cancer. Such as not smoking, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods, limit drinking alcohol, maintain a healthy weight and exercise. Also recommending avoiding sugar and sugar drives cancers.


Chuck’s son has been diagnosed with Lyme’s disease.

Linda’s cat has several health challenges including a dry cough, weight loss and eye problems.

Mary has been diagnosed with bradycardia.

Linda’s son has carpal tunnel syndrome and heel spurs.

Call Dr. Wallach’s live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific time at 831-685-1080 or toll free at 888-379-2552.

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