Pharmacist Ben Fuchs fills in for Dr. Joel Wallach. Beginning the show discussing the importance of getting enough essential fatty acids. By either eating foods rich in efas or by supplementing with Youngevity’s EFAs and EFA Plus. Asserting that there are no congenital birth defects. Contending that lack of nutrients in the mother either during conception or gestation.
Pearls of Wisdom
Doug Winfrey and Ben Fuchs discuss a news article about a study of chemotherapy. Researchers tested 64 testicular cancer patients with 22 getting chemotherapy following surgery the other 42 patients did not get chemotherapy. At the beginning of the study patients were given memory and cognitive function tests. They were also given MRIs to at the start then again six months after the procedure. In the end researchers found those getting the chemo had worse cognitive function and memory. The also found those getting the chemo had severe reductions in the brain’s network capacity.
Gary has a friend who has suffered a series of strokes and wants to avoid future strokes.
Darius has friend diagnosed with a benign eye tumor.
Nadifir has young child diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
Richard has questions concerning his chronic tinnitis.
Call Dr. Wallach’s live radio program weekdays from noon until 1pm pacific time at 831-685-1080 or toll free at 888-379-2552.